Welcome to the Indie Tooth Collective Official World Wide Web Installment! (patent pending.)

A Brief Summary

To summarize, the Indie Tooth is a currently-online band that has been active off and on since December 2021, made by a group of musicians who also make other music, referred to in whole as the Indie Tooth Collective. The band released 2 EPs and an album (which can be found here), before agreeing to split up and continue work on their own individual projects, connected under the spiritual umbrella of the Collective. However, as of September 2024, the Indie Tooth As A Specific Musical Entity is back, matured and wisened by the sands of time.

A Relatively Brief Desummary

To desummarize, the Indie Tooth is both a band and nebulous concept that covers such things as "music" and "people" and, on occasion, "pie", or in other words, a collective of musicians who happen to be in the band. The band, from which this nebulous concept of "collectiveness" arose, started in December 2021, started as a mere duo of Luke and Hugo, before expanding to ultimately include Sam, Jackie, Lucy, and Jasper. The fine folk of the Indie Tooth released two EPs as the band, and were actively working towards a full studio album, which was quickly named Dogs Who Ate Bees and Regretted It (oft referred to in short as DWABARI), but although the endeavour was hardly fruitless, many things kept the album from reaching completion. Parts of this came from the strain of collaborating over the internet, or having projects already ongoing at the time. Mostly though, the Indie Toothers were more interested in doing their own things after a while. This downtime was when the idea of a "collective" first formed, as the group was still talking actively with each other and such.

In October of 2022, though, after most had assumed the project cancelled entirely, interest from the collective renewed, and work once again started on the album. Taking together everything that had already been completed, and completing much of what had not, the efforts were finally released in December of that year. However, much of this renewed work was done with the collective understanding, if not agreement, among the band that the project was only continuing in order to finish the album. And indeed, once the album was published, the Indie Tooth as a band once again stopped, and the Collective continued on their merry way, doing their own things.

Yet, despite everything, the band was not something that could be left for long. The idea of creating something new, something better than the debut album eventually got to be one that went from a rather controversial idea, to one openly welcomed by those in the band. The rest of this story is happening as we speak, as the Indie Toothers return to work to construct whatever they feel like.

The official Indie Tooth Truth Table:

The Cast:

The Discography:

When It Rains It Snows - Single, January 4th

The cover of Dogs Who Ate Bees and Regretted It.